Consent of Shareholders

Provide your corporation's shareholders with an alternative -- and often easier -- way to vote.  Shareholders can sign "consents" in the absence of a meeting, which is particularly helpful when:

  • a meeting is missed
  • a corporation is run by one person
  • a corporation is family owned
See below for a full product description.
  • Product Details
  • There’s more than one way for shareholders to take action. The most familiar way is a shareholders' meeting, but other ways of recording shareholders’ votes are growing in popularity.

    In particular, the use of signed “consents” by shareholders in the absence of a meeting is quite common nowadays, especially where one or more shareholders live or work a fair distance from the others.

    Using a consent can be particularly helpful when:

    • a meeting is missed
    • a corporation is run by one person
    • a corporation is family owned

    Important to Know:

    • Make sure all shareholders are fully informed of all actions in the absence of a meeting.
    • More helpful information about using consent forms can be found in The Corporate Records Handbook.